It all starts with poor posture. Whether you are at work hunched over your keyboard, out and about with your nose in your cell phone or even working out with… [Continue Reading]
Author: Irena
I’ll start from the bottom line. The reason why I am not a fan of any version of “Couch to 5K” is because when the training is done and the… [Continue Reading]
It was 93 degrees in New York yesterday but it didn’t stop me from running in Central Park. And why should it? Running in extreme weather conditions is possible when… [Continue Reading]
When working out to increase hypertrophy (muscle building), you need to take a good look at what you are eating and make sure you are helping the process. You want… [Continue Reading]
There’s not a lot of fruit out there that can match the amazing benefits and versatility of bananas. Rich in potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and fiber, they pack a great… [Continue Reading]
Are you struggling with something that seems to get you beat? Some of you who don’t work out on a regular basis and struggle with weight or health issues think… [Continue Reading]
For those of us who are workout fanatics, there’s nothing that can knock us down like an injury. And I mean knock us down emotionally not just physically. We can… [Continue Reading]
Grains are an important part of a healthy diet and should be included in your daily nutritional regiment. Variety is key as not all grains have the same benefits. This… [Continue Reading]
What inspired this particular post is an article I read online about one woman’s unfortunate struggles to lose weight and keep it off (you can read for yourself She… [Continue Reading]
Why are women afraid of muscle? I always hear women say they want to lose weight but don’t want to bulk up and therefore they do cardio and don’t really… [Continue Reading]