Resolutions, weight loss diets, breaking bad habits, ending toxic relationships. From time to time you try to jump start something new to better your life. You tell yourself that this time it will be different. You pick an event or a goal, maybe join a club, get a book, or tag along with a friend who’s also doing the same thing. You try and stick to it for a few weeks, a few precious months but then, just like always… failure.

Ugh! Discouraged, you give up trying and go back to your old ways. Back on the proverbial couch. Why do most people fail at all the good things they are trying to commit to? So many failed starts, like a never ending vicious cycle of hope, desire, resolve, attempt and still failure. Why? But before we answer why, let’s first note that not all fail. Some achieve success, break the cycle and alter their lives drastically. They find the strength to walk away from a toxic relationship, quit a bad habit, lose weight, get that coveted job or a promotion.

The answer lies at the very beginning. How you approach your new endeavor is the key to your success. It’s not a “let’s see what happens” or “we’ll play it by ear” path. No, the recipe for success is very different than the recipe for failure. Determination to succeed leaves no room for failure. It doesn’t even consider it. There’s no “can’t” and there’s no “tomorrow”. How bad do you want to change your life? Are you expecting someone or something else to inspire you before you take that first step? If that’s the case then you’ve already failed. I’m not saying others can’t be helpful, instrumental and encouraging along the way but the drive must come from you. Let’s get real here. It’s your life right? You will be shocked what you can accomplish once you say to yourself “Yes I can!” And then you will. Success!