Eat to perform

When you’re training hard and burning thousands of calories, it might be tempting to eat whatever you feel like. You’re just going to burn it all off right? Not exactly. Turns out that it actually matters what you eat even if you’re in great shape and training hard. Eating to perform approach is very different at its core than treating your body like a garbage disposal. Well placed, strategically timed, and nutrition dense meals can give that extra energy and edge you need to accomplish your goals.

And let’s not forget the importance of proper nutrition when it comes to injury prevention and immune support. Nothing can ruin your amazing training cycle like an unexpected injury or a severe cold. When recovery seems to take too long, everything hurts and muscles feel stiff or you just keep on getting sick, look no further than your nutrition. If you’re spending hours upon hours at the gym but not improving your performance or you’re constantly feeling like you are dragging, it might once again be lack of proper nutritional support.

You may think you need to work even harder and be tempted to spend even more hours at the gym but it might actually be counter productive.  The whole idea of working smarter not harder applies to fitness goals too.  Let your nutrition work together with your physical training to take you to the next level.

You may never know just how far you can take your fitness level if you’re consistently lacking adequate fuel to take you there. Does it matter if you have a donut for breakfast or oatmeal? You bet!

Eat this

Not that

One will break down your immune system and the other will support it. Your choice. How bad do you want to hit your goals?

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