Combat muscle soreness effectively

As most of you already know I am a huge fan of working out as much as possible.  Call it an addiction, obsession or just a desire to lead a healthy life.  I am extremely driven and I don’t like it when something sidelines me or forces me to slow down.  When it comes to muscle soreness, it’s important to note that if you just ignore it and continue to work out while in pain, you will not like what will happen as a result.  The last thing you want is to get injured.  So, let’s be smart about how we work out and let’s take every precaution possible to avoid that.

I’d like to point out here that I am not referring to the pain caused by lactic acid build up.  Lactic acid accumulates in our muscles during a particular effort which can be extremely painful if your body doesn’t flush it out effectively.  But what you are feeling the day after a workout is not related to lactic acid but rather it’s pain caused by tiny tears in your muscles.

Muscles get sore for two reasons. One, if they are not conditioned.  Meaning, if you are a weekend warrior who sits around all week and then goes hard on the weekend, you will be in a lot of pain for two or three days.  Another reason muscles get sore is if you put them through  a very strenuous routine.  The good news is you can remedy extreme soreness by applying a few tried and true methods.  Figure out how to exercise your muscles more often and consistently, stretch after each workout to prevent muscles from tightening up, and foam roll if necessary.

Also, you should apply a post workout recovery nutritional regimen. I’ve written in the past about the amazing power of sour cherries to combat muscle soreness.  I can tell you from a personal experience that there’s literally nothing like it.  I am not referring to a regular workout recovery here.  This remedy is for extreme muscle soreness.  You know, the kind where you can’t walk or straighten up or unbend your extremities from whatever torture you put yourself through.

For regular recovery remedies, please see my previous articles on this subject.  Reserve this one for those tough longs runs, Spartan races or Triathlons that drain you from every once of strength.  What’s great about sour cherries is it’s not particularly necessary to eat them or drink(if you are going for the juice option) at any particular time of the day.  You can consume it at any point after the workout and on subsequent days as needed.

Try it! It works! Watch the video below by clicking the link.

Sour cherry juice to the rescue!




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