Do what drives you!

Have you ever noticed that an inspiring job, no matter how hard it is, will always be worth the time and effort?  It will always leave you feeling satisfied and fulfilled, even at the end of an exhausting and busy day.  But how do you go about figuring out what is that magic job or activity that will be worth all of you?

There are no easy answers.  Many of us struggle our whole lives trying to figure out what we want to do to feel fulfilled.  We bounce from one dead end job to another, feeling more and more depressed about our uninspiring prospects and wondering if we are just destined to never find that place in this world that will ask all of you and you will gladly give it your all.

My advice would be to ask yourself what you think about during the day.  What consumes your free time?  If you had more free time, what would you occupy it with? Sometimes the answer is right there in front of you.  Maybe you need to step out of your comfort zone to see it.  And sometimes it just hits you over the head with the obvious answer that’s been there all along. A seemingly bad circumstance can also flesh out the silver lining and lead you to the very truth you’ve been seeking.

A curious thing happens on your road to your true fulfillment.  Obstacles that you never could have foreseen or imagined appear in your way. It could spell the end of a dream right there and then. It will take all of your dedication, desire and creativity to figure out how to get around the inevitable road blocks that end up testing your dream theory and try to shake your confidence.  If you are not strong enough, self doubt will destroy your chances at happiness. However, if you learn to plow through and forge ahead no matter what is thrown in your way, you will come out stronger and more self assured in your skill.  The new you will be harder to break.

Don’t just give up and roam about mindlessly.  Your life can be filled with passion and inspiration if you do what drives you. Don’t stop seeking it until you find it.  We all have a purpose and we only have one life to live.  Don’t just follow your dreams, chase them, go after them with all you’ve got.  Live your life to the fullest.

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