Heavenly Apple Cake “Sharlotka”

When you decide to treat yourself, you can still make good choices and select only the best and natural ingredients. Also, please practice portion control since this is a treat not a meal.  This hearty and nutritious treat is extremely satisfying, delicious and a crowd favorite.  It’s airy, fluffy, and absolutely delightful.  Oh and let’s not forget, it’s super easy to make!


4 Green apples

6 eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of flour

1 teaspoon of butter for greasing


Separate egg whites and egg yolks.  Put egg yolks aside.  In a mixer with a whipping attachment, combine egg whites and sugar.  Whip on low at first, slowing increasing the speed until pretty high.  Continue until white creamy and thick mixture appears.  Start adding yolks one by one, then flour and continue to mix on medium.  While the batter is mixing, cut up apples into bite sizes (keep the skin).  Sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on the apples.  When the batter is done, slowly add the batter to the apples and fold it with a spatula.  In a greased pan, add the finished batter.  Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Enjoy!

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