Stay away from “Bro” science

bro-science5How do I define bro science? It’s well intended but grossly misguided and often times dangerous advice guys give each other with regards to exercise, nutrition and supplements. It’s overheard at the gyms everywhere. These muscled up monsters think they are fitness experts since they are good at moving enormous weights and looking like the Incredible Hulk.

If you are new to the fitness scene, you might be intimidated and at the same time impressed by everything these guys say. My advice is please don’t get swept up by all that bro science and do your own research. If you make a rookie mistake and start listening to the beasts, you will probably get hurt or sick and most likely not achieve your goals. They’ll have you eating nothing but raw eggs and chicken while benching way more than you should resulting in possible salmonella poisoning and pulled muscles.

If you want to build muscle, you need two things – patience and discipline. Muscle develops and matures over time. Getting anxious about visible results can result in ugly stretch marks, pulled muscle and loss of momentum. And don’t discount the discipline. If you are easily bored with routine, well then you are not going to achieve anything worth bragging about. Serious athletes know exactly what they are going to eat and when. They know exactly what type of workout they will do each day of the week and they don’t mind doing it. They are on a schedule they will not deviate from. So, please remember, patience and discipline, not chicken and creatine, are the two most important attributes of a seriously minded person who wants to achieve fitness results.

bro-scienceNow, I must add that I am not against supplements but please don’t just buy anything some guy with basketball biceps told you about. Read and research on your own and buy only natural and organic supplements, not the synthetic types. Find out if there are any side effects. Try to fuel your body with proper nutrition and get as many macros from food as you can.  Supplements are not for everyone so don’t just jump in with full abandon. Arm yourself with information and don’t become yet another victim of bro science.

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