One size does NOT fit all… with a few exceptions

one-size-does-not-fit-allIf you talk to 100 health fanatics about what’s healthy and what works for them, you will hear 100 different stories. Each one will swear by a particular food group or a concoction that is the reason for their amazing health and physical fitness.

I don’t believe there’s one magic potion or formula that will guarantee your success. Many of us health freaks figured things out by trial and error and since we are all different, we get different results and the road to getting there is paved with a lot of research, self experimenting and listening to your body.

Let me give you some examples. Some people drink milk and their body reacts very well to it (me!), others find that it bloats them.  On the other hand, if I eat bread, I will most certainly gain weight but my grandfather (who was in an amazing shape until the day he died) ate bread like there wasn’t going to be any tomorrow.  Some people are able to work out on an empty stomach and swear that’s why they are skinny, others get hypoglycemic symptoms and shouldn’t do that at all.

However, I’ve often said there are certain health staples that are a must. You have to exercise on a regular basis, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, include protein, fat and carbs in every meal.  And last but not least, oatmeal is still the best breakfast you can possibly consume.  Now, I realize that not everyone likes it, so here’s what one of my colleagues does to fortify and improve the taste.  The following is not a joke, it’s a real recipe:


Protein and flavor packed oatmeal that ANYONE will like

Cup of instant oatmeal (just add hot water)

1 teaspoon of peanut butter

1 scoop of protein powder

1 crumbled brownie

Enjoy! Just eat your oatmeal! I don’t care what you put into it! Just do it!

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