Can you be fit/fat?

fitfat5Let’s begin by posing a few questions.  What does it mean to be fit? What does it look like?  One of the latest trends these days is to embrace the super-sized version of beauty. Plus size models are doing runways and gracing the covers of magazines, even Sports Illustrated.  Many times the theme is presented to us as the before-and-after a woman has a few children.  You are told that your body has changed and you should embrace it, call it beautiful and sexy.  Oh and don’t attempt to change it because it’s useless and why even bother because it won’t work and you should just accept this new you. Turn the leaf. This is now the “curvier” version of you.

Anyone who has decided this is okay, please skip over this post.  It’s not for you.  For all the rest, if there’s any fight left in you, then you are the ones I want to talk to.  First of all, when it comes to altering the shape of your body, nothing is set in stone! NOTHING! You can change it any time you want.  It’s never too late, you are never too fat, and no circumstance is too impossible.  The only thing that’s stopping you is your complacency and your acceptance of status quo.  fitfat2I know some of you claim that you’ve tried everything and it’s just not working.  Let me dare question that, since I believe most people don’t really understand the importance of true health and how it’s attained.  It’s not something you can just create in a matter of a few quick months.  It’s a lifestyle, a state of mind and a true dedication as a nonnegotiable and necessary part of life.  It’s not something you squeeze in.  You look forward to it, you embrace it and you love it.  You patiently watch it unfold.  This is not a get skinny quick process.  That’s unhealthy and therefore has no part in my philosophy on true health and fitness.

Please don’t get me wrong.  If you are happy with what you’ve got, then by all means leave it as is.  My point is, if you want to change your body, you can.  Yes you can!  Say it with me. Yes, I can!  Fat can be burned, muscle can be built and skin can be tightened.  No need to accept something that you don’t want to accept.  Learn, research, try, go after and fight!  Don’t accept what the world around us is constantly telling us.

fitfat3Now, back to the original question.  Can you be fit/fat?  Most fit people approach their lifestyle holistically.  Meaning, they understand that to be truly fit, they need to pay attention to what they eat, what kind of meds they take, how much alcohol they consume, how much sleep they get, what stress relieving outlets they can get, etc.  They understand that it’s not just about squats and push-ups.  While I can accept that not all fit people look the same, dare I say that the idea of being fat and fit seems like an oxymoron.  In terms of physical make up, a fit person has a high percentage of lean muscle creating a toned look.  On the other hand, a fat person has a high fat percentage, and therefore does not appear fit.  But it’s not just the appearance that matters.  Too much fat is inherently unhealthy.  Let’s stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.  Let me state the obvious.  No, you cannot be fat and fit.  Does. Not. Exist.

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