Running and joint pain

joint pain

Many runners claim that running causes joint pain.  They call it the inevitable “wear and tear” that comes with many logged miles.  Yes, joints are acutely involved in running.  But pain is not a necessary evil that comes with running.  All you need to do is approach your body as a mechanism that needs proper maintenance to make it function.

joint pain2First, proper stretching is a must if you want to avoid stiffness and pain.  Warm up before your run, gently stretch and then stretch again after your run.  Make sure you stretch all the muscles around the main running joints like knees, hips, ankles (stretching doesn’t just involve muscles).  Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds in order to activate muscle relaxation.

Next, it is very important that you walk after a long run.  Don’t just crash and not move because everything hurts.  This is how joints can become stiff and painful.  Force yourself to get up and move a little.  Try a little gentle stretch also.  On the next day after a long run, try a very nice and easy run.  Don’t push yourself and don’t go for speed.  The goal is to get those joints loose again.  That can be accomplished by a short and slow run.

joint pain3Now, let’s talk about nutrition.  This is going to be a very important part of your training if you want to avoid stiff and painful joints.  Some key foods that absolutely need to be incorporated in your diet are olive oil, wild salmon, berries, kefir and turmeric.  These foods reduce inflammation, fight pain and provide the necessary lubrication to your joints.

Joint pain is not caused by running but by not properly treating your body as the running machinery.  You can’t expect your body to function without proper maintenance.  Don’t get discouraged if you are currently in pain.  Continue with the stretching and move around as much as possible.  Have some berries with your oatmeal at breakfast, salad  with olive oil for lunch, salmon sprinkled with turmeric for dinner and kefir for snack.  Don’t stress, it will all come together.  Treat your body well and it will work like a well oiled machine.

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