Strong arms make better runners

me3Running is an amazing form of exercise and a great mind/body experience but it’s also much more complex than most people realize.  In order to be a good and efficient runner, you will face many challenges. Among many things you should always try to improve your form, technique, strength, flexibility, speed and so much more.  The purpose of this article is not to focus on all aspects but only on one.  Arm strength.

You might think it’s totally unnecessary and counter intuitive to work on your arms in order to improve your running technique. You might figure that since you are using your legs to run, then the main focus should be on building leg strength and arms can just sort of go along for the ride.  If that’s you, I challenge you to try working on your arm arm running7strength and watch how much your running will improve.  Imagine for a minute what the mechanics of running look like.  You are moving your legs – yes, and you are also moving your arms in an alternate fashion, meaning as your right leg is pushing off your left arm goes forward.  It’s so subconscious, you don’t even think about it. It just naturally happens.

Why do we move our arms when we run? Good question! It’s because we need them to run!  Yes we do! “Arm -running” is part of the overall running mechanics. To neglect strength training your arms is to hold yourself back as a runner. Particularly, if you are working on improving your speed. Now, let me point out that I am not talking about huge, bulky, popping out of the skin muscles that look like a science exparm running5eriment gone wrong.
I am talking about building arms with lean, functional muscles that propel you forward and cut
through the air like a gazelle (or cheetah, whatever works for you!).

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Okay, so now that you have a visual, let’s talk about how we get there.  Functional strength is achieved through functional exercises.  Push-ups, pull-ups, planks, mountain climbers, burpees, shoulder taps are among many that you can do in order to build your arm strength.  Of course you should supplement with free weights but concentrate on calisthenics as the main workout routine.  One of my favorite free weights exercise that I like to do specifically for running is to simulate the running motion with dumbbells in my hands.  Just slightly lean forward and alternate moving your arms while standing in place.  What you are essentially doing is you are working on your “arm running” mechanics with a load.  Sort of like boxers use weights to shadow box.  The purpose of this is to make you strong enough to go through the motions with a load and then when you are out there running it will feel so much easier and more efficient.  It will also make you faster.

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