That elusive thigh gap

me2Men, a special forewarning, you will not understand the importance of this particular issue and you will probably think women are crazy for obsessing about it.  But then again you obsess about certain body parts being big enough (ahem, like biceps for example), and we think you’re crazy so it’s the same thing. Women want this gap between their thighs so badly they are willing to do just about anything. Remember when Beyoncé got heat for getting the gap photo shopped? All her fans were like, um Beyoncé we know your big fat thighs are touching so stop trying to fool everyone! For the most part women want the gap because it’s the ultimate look of athletic legs.

I’m not going to lie, to achieve the look is not easy and will require a lot of consistent dedication to proper nutrition to reduce body fat.  Remember, you are what you eat! If you consume too much junk or processed food, it will show on your body as extra fat storage.  On the other hand, by eating healthy foods you will maintain low body fat which is the key to reducing the jiggle.  Just as important you will need to perform frequent strength training that targets legs and glutes. On top of that, you will have to do cardio. Running, for example, does wonders for your legs, toning them all throughout.

So to summarize, if you really want that coveted gap, be prepared to work hard. And men, if the woman in your life is trying to achieve this look and you really want to score some major points, tell her that … well actually, never mind there’s literally nothing you can say that won’t get you in trouble. Just be happy your partner cares about her physical appearance.

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