Training in the heat

heatIt was 93 degrees in New York yesterday but it didn’t stop me from running in Central Park.  And why should it?  Running in extreme weather conditions is possible when taking all the necessary precautions.  Also, let’s not forget our body’s amazing ability to adapt to anything we throw at it.  Remember, the body will not adapt if it doesn’t have a reason to adapt.  By forcing it out of its comfort zone, you are increasing your body’s ability to function in the kinds of conditions it couldn’t before.

heat2Also let’s not demonize the sun.  It is a giver of energy and life.  Of course you should drink more water when running outside during high temperatures.  And yes, you should probably wear a hat and sunglasses if you want to.  Also, try to pace yourself and not run hard in order to not overexert yourself.  You need to learn how to preserve your energy levels and even out your breathing.  Now is not the time to practice sprinting.  However, endurance training can still be very effective.
Now, let me be very, very clear.  If you don’t feel well and think you are going to pass out then please stop running!  Your body is not able to adapt at that moment but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again at some other point.  Also, wear as little clothes as possible as to not cause any unnecessary overheating.  The myth that you need to wear these horriblsweatsuits2e sweat inducing clothes in order to lose weight keeps on being perpetuated by its loyal base.  When you wear these sauna suits you are not losing fat, all you are doing is producing more sweat and putting yourself at a high risk of dehydration.  So, please when it’s hot outside, wear as little clothes as it’s legally permitted and the kind that is specifically geared for running which means it’s breathable.  The upside is you will probably get an awesome tan!

heat3Prepare your body for high temperatures by drinking more water than you normally do before your run.  Eat a good quality carb like a banana to give you all the necessary energy since your body will be working a little harder to overcome the uncomfortable heat.  Long term results of your heat training will be incredible.  When the temperatures cool, your usual run will feel amazing.  You will think that you are flying!

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