Build your muscles naturally with anabolic foods

When working out to increase hypertrophy (muscle building), you need to take a good look at what you are eating and make sure you are helping the process.  You want to have muscle definition that showcases all the hard work you are putting in the gym.  Foods that reduce inflammation, aid gut health, reduce fat and act as building blocks for your muscles should be the preferred choices.  Instead of taking supplements I suggest the following list of anabolic foods that act in a very similar way.


grapefruitThere have been many studies done that prove this is an incredible citrus that is invaluable for fat burning and muscle showing.  In one study people made no other changes except adding grapefruit to their diet.  The result was a 4 to 10 pound weight loss within a 12 week period.  Soluble fiber pectin seems to slow the rate of glucose entering the bloodstream which keeps insulin down.


watermellonThis refreshing fruit is a great source of amino acid citrulline which helps increase blood flow to your muscles.  Watermellon also has more lycopene (powerful antioxidant linked to cancer prevention) than tomatos.  It’s a great fuel for your workout with 50 g of carbs and since it’s mostly water, it has a hydrating affect as well.


blueberriesIf you want to build muscles don’t look further than blueberries.  They have the highest amount of anthocyanin than any other fruit.  This antioxidant acts as a protector of your blood vessels which carry all the necessary nutrients to your muscles.  Blueberries ranked the highest in their ability to destroy free radicals.   To get the maximum effect, please buy only organic since the presence of harmful pesticide may negatively outweigh their benefits.


yogurtAs we train and diet we need to maintain a strong gastrointestinal health.  Yogurt helps establish good gut flora and improves absorption of protein.  Yogurt is also a great source of calcium which helps with fat loss since it suppresses fat producing hormone.  The thing that needs to be mentioned is you need to avoid yogurts with added sugar or artificial fruit.  Select plain yogurt as your number one choice.


broccoliWhen it comes to broccoli, its’ cancer fighting benefits are well documented.  In terms of anabolic benefits this superfood packs a punch by strengthening your testosterone’s levels and at the same time diminishing estrogen’s effects on fat gain and water retention making your muscle definition more visible.


coffeeNot only does coffee makes us more alert and acts as an energy booster during workouts, it has a thermogenic effect on body fat.  The best way to enhance the fat burning properties is to consume it an hour before your workout.  As an added benefit, it’s very effective at blunting muscle soreness which means you can train harder without all that pesky muscle pain slowing you down.  Three cups a day is all you need to get the best results.


tomatoesLycopene and quercetin are the two antioxidants tomatoes are known for.  Lycopene fights heart disease and cancer, particularly prostate. Quercetin helps prevent plaque buildup in your arteries.  It also has anti inflammatory effect which helps recovery after a hard workout.


spinachHigh in glutamine, which is an amino acid that promotes muscle growth, spinach is mostly water (90%) so you need to eat a lot of it and in raw form to get the most benefits.  Spinach also has octacosanol which among many other things helps increase muscle strength.

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