It’s a known fact that our heavy dependency and unnecessary use of antibiotics have finally back fired. Our bodies have become resistant to them and now they don’t work when really need them to. I suggest we start giving natural treatments to non life threatening illnesses a serious chance. We pretty much don’t have a choice actually. Conventional medicine has failed us. Doctors have overprescribed antibiotics when natural treatments would have worked just fine. At the same time, patients also demand medications that work super quickly because we just don’t have the time or patience to let the infections take their course and resolve naturally. So what happens in many cases? When we get an infection, we then immediately rush to treat it with an antibiotic. But since we’ve been overmedicating ourselves, our body has become resistant to antibiotics, which leads to the weakened immune system unable to fight the infection which leads to serious complications. That’s the dire state we are in.
Let’s stop this vicious cycle and let’s start looking at a better way of treating simple infections, and in the process, making our bodies stronger to fight them in the future. Most of us already have natural remedies at home so let’s start putting them to good use. Most colds, for example, can be easily treated with good homemade chicken soup, lots of echinacea tea(with lemon and honey) and rest. Make garlic a staple in the winter months as its antibacterial properties are well documented and can help fight more serious infections like flu. Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil should be consumed to cleanse and detoxify your body. One teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning is all you need. Apple cider vinegar can be consumed by stirring a couple of teaspoons in a glass of water and drinking before a meal. Apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect on our body and it’s already been determined that when we are sick we are in an acidic state so vinegar tipping the scale toward more alkaline will certainly help fight infections.
I must make mention of yet another ailment that is constantly and unnecessarily treated with antibiotics. Ear infections. Those of us who have children know how uncomfortable and painful it can be for them and we want it to go away as quickly as possible. Children will cry, scream and tug on their ears making us feel like what they have is something very serious and horrible. In reality it sounds worse than it really is. Most ear infections are viral which means that antibiotics will do absolutely nothing to help resolve them. As a matter of fact constant use of antibiotics to treat ear infections made some children have recurring infections for years to come. Approach this as you would with any viral infection except I would add one more remedy which is extremely powerful and effective in treating these infections. Colloidal silver. Silver particles suspended in water, when consumed, neutralize viruses and bacteria depriving them of oxygen. One teaspoon a couple of times a day is all you need.
I am not saying that conventional medicine is completely useless. Of course it’s not but let’s be smart and at least start using natural remedies in some cases when it’s not crucial to overmedicate. Let’s expand our knowledge base. Your body will become stronger and more resistant to getting infections in the first place which is always the best option.