I cannot stress enough how much artificial ingredients in food and drinks are unhealthy for you. Most people don’t seem to care because they don’t see the connection between these products and health related issues. The sad thing is sometimes the connection is not so obvious but nonetheless quite real. People who all of a sudden develop allergies, autoimmune diseases or get colds easily, are not immediately thinking it could be from that daily diet soda habit.
Artificial products exploded on the market a while back posing as the healthier alternatives to full fat, high calorie or sugary natural products, when nothing could be further from the truth. We now know for sure that margarine is definitely not the healthier alternative to butter but back when it was advertised that way, many people thought they were making a smart and healthy choice! We also know that actual real eggs are way better for you than egg beaters, whole milk is
healthier than skim, real sugar is better than artificial. There’s plenty of research that proves that artificial sweenters are extremely harmful to your health.
Human body needs real actual food or it doesn’t know what to do with it. What happens when the body can’t break down this artificial stuff you’ve just consumed? It gets stored as fat! And you end up retaining water due to your body’s natural defence in trying to dilute the toxic products you’ve just ingested. So, you’ve just become toxic, bloated and overweight as a result of your attempt to substitute real food with artificial alternatives and the longer you continue the worse your health issues will become.
Bottom line is, get rid of all artificial products and consume real food. Don’t over indulge in high fat and high calorie foods. Practice moderation and self control. Healthy lifestyle is a balance of all the things that you need in their proper proportion.