Guilty pleasure no more

dark chocolate2- hersheyDark chocolate is considered a tasty and healthy treat but how good is it really for you, and is it something we can eat and still not risk adding unnecessary calories to our diet?  I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to feel guilty eating dark chocolate (in moderation of course).  As a matter of fact, if you like it, then please add it to your daily diet.  No I have not lost my mind.  Dark chocolate’s benefits are quite amazing.

Dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant that goes after those pesky free radicals and protects your cells from getting damaged.   But let’s make sure you are consuming dark chocolate not milk chocolate (the darker the better).  And no glass of milk with it either!  It’s been determined that milk interferes with chocolate’s antioxidant properties.

dark chocolateThis dark goodness is also loaded with minerals and vitamins like iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and many others.  Yes, it also has sugar and saturated fats so moderation is key to benefiting from dark chocolate.  Studies have shown that even the small amounts can raise your HDL (good cholesterol) protecting the lining of your arteries which is extremely important for your heart health.

Studies also have shown numerous times that flavonols in dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain. And speaking of blood flow, it’s also amazing for your skin which can be very important in terms of anti aging and sun damage.

So, go ahead and indulge but just a little bit.  Savour each bite and be happy knowing that you are consuming something super tasty and so good for you!  Yes, you can have it all!  Dark chocolate is proof of that.

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