I’m sure you know this by now that what food you put in your body first thing in the morning is the most important food decision of the day. Why is that? Because it not only sets the tone for the rest of your day(start with a bad decision and you’ll keep on making bad decisions) but also it can make a big difference in how your body responds to everything else you will be consuming that day. Allow me to explain.
Imagine you had a doughnut as your breakfast. At first you’ll experience a sugar high followed by sugar crash and the inevitable hunger along with cravings. It’s literally the worst thing you can do to your body first thing in the morning. Instead of revving up your engine, you are shutting it down, slowing down your metabolism and depleting your energy levels. Not only that, but since now you have cravings for more calories you will continue making bad choices throughout the day. The sad thing is, even if you decided to eat something healthy like a salad for lunch, since your metabolism has slowed down, your body will not be responding to your healthy choice in the most optimal way. You may feel bloated, full yet still craving something else, and very tired.
What you should do is the complete opposite. You need to get your engine going by eating something that will keep you full for a few hours without crashing. The best breakfast option is oatmeal hands down. I like to add fresh berries and nuts to it in order to fortify it even more good stuff like vitamins, protein and good fats. When you eat breakfast like that, your body feels energized and is set to keep at the high metabolic pace for the rest of the day.
Notice also that if you do that, you will also pick better lunch, snack and dinner options as well. The reason for that is lack of cravings. When you are not experiencing these craving, you are able to make thoughtful and healthy choices for your subsequent meals.
Start your day right and keep it up!